Server-side Javascript — finally damnit! +

The Aptana dudes announced Aptana Jaxer. Ignoring the buzzy “ajax server” bullshit for the moment, what we have here is promise of greatness. It’s more fun than a stick. Really.

Expect a more detailed review in the following days, once I get the chance to actually do something with it.
Watching 6 consecutive episodes of Californication kind of exhausted me.

2 Responses to “Server-side Javascript — finally damnit!”

  1. Haha, I watched the entire series a few days ago. After the first episode I thought there was just going to be a lot of ‘pointless pussy’ :) But that changed… I <3 Karen

  2. ma da nebi pisao na engleskom jebote :)

    uglavnom, kolko god se kul cini javascript na serveru, nekako ne mislim da cemo ga ikad koristiti za stvarno kao server side jezik…puno razloga, a glavni je valjda zbog glupavog objektnog modela…

    ako se stignes poigrati (ja ne) napisi svoje dojmove…